
What is Nutrition? Nutrition is defined as the process by which living organisms obtain and utilize food substances to maintain life, growth and health. It involves the intake, digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients from the diet. Nutrients are chemical compounds found in foods that provides energy and physical components to the body. The body […]

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Porta magna integer tellus

Semper vitae vestibulum elementum morbi ut fermentum molestie pellentesque sapien proin in amet ipsum bibendum tellus diam, magna ornare sit tellus iaculis feugiat et id orci sociis mattis massa pharetra ante purus nullam tellus nisl nec. In sit facilisis euismod ullamcorper ipsum morbi ut ornare elit pretium non pulvinar vitae dapibus volutpat risus, tellus diam

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Starting a healthy lifestyle is the best decision one can make that will benefit you in the long run. A healthy lifestyle can improve your physical and mental health and can reduce the risk of heart diseases like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. it can also improve your relationships with your loved ones positively. Healthy